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Speakers Bureau Topics

How to Take Care of Furniture

Learn more about the proper way to clean and wax your antique furniture.

How to Take Care of Textiles

This workshop will examine safe ways to handle, store, and display heirloom textiles.

Lost Cities

Explore lost cities through ancient ruins, myths, legends, and folklore.

Man-Made Modern Marvels

An illustrated look at some of modern day’s greatest engineering accomplishments.

Mysterious World

Mysteries surrounding places and events that captivate the world.

Nature’s Wonders

We will examine the 7 natural wonders of the world.


We will take a look at the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World.

The ABCs of Nutrition

A historical perspective on healthy eating.

The Kitchen

The evolution of kitchen technology over time.

The People’s House

Learn more about the history of the most popular historic home in America!

The True Story of Thanksgiving

Spoiler alert:  it was nothing like you’ve been taught!

Young Wonders

With serious issues facing the environment today, there are savvy kids taking matters into their own hands.